Technology and innovation Archives - Heroify Blog about AI tools for creating 3D design for websites Tue, 20 Aug 2024 14:21:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Technology and innovation Archives - Heroify 32 32 New Artificial Intelligence Model Creates 3D Objects and Characters for the Virtual World of Games Sun, 18 Aug 2024 14:03:00 +0000 Over the past decade, the skyrocketing cost of producing AAA video games has become one of the gaming industry’s biggest challenges. In 2000, a dozen […]

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Over the past decade, the skyrocketing cost of producing AAA video games has become one of the gaming industry’s biggest challenges. In 2000, a dozen specialists could make a big hit for the PlayStation. Today, however, creating a new version of any franchise for a game console or PC requires several years of work by hundreds of artists, designers, and programmers. Even the processes of creating casual games like item hunters and puzzle games take many months of work, from conceptualization to release on the Apple App Store or Google Play.

One of the biggest costs in game production is the creation of the game asset. Players want the content of games to be not only interesting, but also unique. Characters, textures, skins, exotic locations, and various in-game boosters all have to be carefully customized, refined, and worked on by artists, and this is incredibly expensive.

Another challenge is scaling. In order to stay competitive, game studios need to release a lot of DLC updates and assets. This is especially true today when all monetization trends are shifting to in-app purchases such as character skins, accessories, vehicles, emotes, and maps. Talent is not enough. One solution is to use outsourced game art studios with low wages, but finding a reliable studio and building a long-term partnership is not an easy task.

That’s why studios are always looking for technologies that can help reduce the cost of game development. Recent advances in neural image generation models such as DALL-E, MidJourney, and StableDiffusion give hope that the realization of this dream may not be that far away.

Introducing Nvidia’s GET3D, the latest discovery in this field that was recently announced in an article. This AI model was trained using only 2D images. The model is capable of generating 3D shapes with high quality textures and complex geometric details. The objects that can be created are quite diverse: vehicles, characters, animals, people, buildings, various open spaces that can be combined into entire cities with their inhabitants. The export formats are suitable for most popular graphics software, making it easy to import the shapes into 3D visualization tools and game engines, and they can be easily incorporated into existing art production workflows.

How close are we to actually implementing this and similar models in real-world game development? “The technology presented is impressive, and we will surely see a lot of generated art objects in games soon. However, they will not replace the creative team of artists in the foreseeable future, as AI still requires well-designed input data to produce quality results and careful post-processing to make the processes consistent and flawless,” expressed their expert opinion of the specialists of the game art studio Absolutist. It seems that in game development, as in many other fields, machine learning applications are very useful as an aid to artists and designers, but not a substitute for human creativity and skills.

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AI Algorithms for 3D Design: How Do They Work? Tue, 13 Aug 2024 13:56:00 +0000 The world of 3D design has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, thanks to the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). From automating the creation […]

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The world of 3D design has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, thanks to the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). From automating the creation of complex 3D models to enhancing the realism of textures and animations, AI algorithms are revolutionizing how designers approach their craft. But how exactly do these AI algorithms work? In this article, we’ll explore the underlying mechanisms that drive AI in 3D design and how they contribute to the development of stunning digital environments.

Understanding the Basics: What Are AI Algorithms?

At its core, an AI algorithm is a set of rules or instructions that a computer follows to solve a problem or perform a task. In the context of 3D design, AI algorithms can analyze data, learn from patterns, and make decisions that influence the creation and manipulation of 3D objects. These algorithms are typically powered by machine learning (ML), a subset of AI that enables systems to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.

Types of AI Algorithms in 3D Design

Several types of AI algorithms are commonly used in 3D design, each serving a different purpose. Below are some of the most influential types:

  1. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
    GANs are a type of AI that consists of two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. The generator creates new data (in this case, 3D models), while the discriminator evaluates the data to determine whether it looks realistic. The two networks work together in a loop, with the generator continually improving its outputs based on the feedback from the discriminator. This process allows GANs to generate highly realistic 3D models, textures, and environments.
  2. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
    CNNs are widely used in image recognition and processing, but they also play a crucial role in 3D design. These networks are particularly effective at identifying and processing spatial hierarchies in visual data, making them ideal for tasks such as texture generation and object recognition within 3D environments. CNNs can analyze complex patterns and features in 3D models, enabling more detailed and accurate design work.
  3. Reinforcement Learning (RL)
    Reinforcement learning involves training an AI to make decisions through trial and error. In 3D design, RL can be used to optimize processes like object placement, lighting adjustments, or animation paths. The AI learns by interacting with the environment and receiving feedback based on its actions, gradually improving its ability to make decisions that enhance the overall design.
  4. Autoencoders
    Autoencoders are a type of neural network that learns to compress data into a lower-dimensional form and then reconstruct it back to its original form. In 3D design, autoencoders can be used for tasks like noise reduction, data compression, and even generating new variations of existing 3D models. By focusing on the essential features of the data, autoencoders help designers create more efficient and streamlined designs.
  5. Neural Style Transfer (NST)
    NST is a technique that allows AI to apply the style of one image or 3D object to another. In 3D design, this can be used to create unique textures or patterns by blending the characteristics of different materials or styles. For example, a designer could apply the texture of wood to a metal object, creating a visually striking hybrid material.

How AI Algorithms Enhance 3D Design

AI algorithms bring several key advantages to 3D design, enhancing both the creative process and the final output:

  1. Automation of Repetitive Tasks
    One of the most significant benefits of AI in 3D design is the automation of repetitive tasks. Tasks like modeling, texturing, and rendering can be time-consuming and tedious, but AI algorithms can automate much of this work. For example, GANs can generate multiple variations of a 3D model automatically, allowing designers to focus on refining the best options rather than creating each variation from scratch.
  2. Increased Realism and Detail
    AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to produce more realistic and detailed 3D designs. For instance, CNNs can enhance the texture and lighting of a 3D environment, making it look more lifelike. This increased level of detail is particularly valuable in industries like gaming, film, and virtual reality, where realism is critical to the user experience.
  3. Personalization and Customization
    AI enables designers to create highly personalized and customizable 3D designs. By analyzing user data, AI algorithms can generate designs tailored to individual preferences or needs. For example, in e-commerce, AI can create custom 3D product models that match a user’s specific requirements, offering a more personalized shopping experience.
  4. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation
    AI algorithms can also inspire creativity by suggesting new design ideas or combinations that a human designer might not have considered. For example, reinforcement learning algorithms can explore a wide range of design possibilities and present the most promising ones to the designer. This collaborative approach between AI and human designers can lead to more innovative and creative outcomes.

Challenges and Limitations

While AI algorithms offer numerous benefits, they also come with challenges and limitations. One of the primary concerns is the potential loss of control over the design process. As AI takes on more of the work, designers may find it challenging to maintain their unique creative vision. Additionally, AI algorithms can sometimes produce results that are difficult to interpret or explain, making it hard to understand how certain design decisions were made.

Another limitation is the reliance on large datasets for training AI algorithms. High-quality 3D design requires vast amounts of data, and if the training data is biased or incomplete, the AI’s output may be flawed or unrepresentative.

The Future of AI Algorithms in 3D Design

Looking ahead, the future of AI algorithms in 3D design is incredibly promising. As AI technologies continue to evolve, we can expect even more sophisticated algorithms that can handle increasingly complex design tasks. Advances in quantum computing, for instance, could unlock new possibilities for AI in 3D design, allowing for faster processing and more accurate results.

Moreover, as AI becomes more integrated into the design process, we may see the development of hybrid AI-human design teams, where AI handles the technical aspects of design while human designers focus on creativity and innovation. This collaborative approach could lead to a new era of 3D design, where technology and artistry come together to create truly groundbreaking work.

AI algorithms are transforming the field of 3D design, offering new tools and techniques that enhance creativity, efficiency, and realism. From generative adversarial networks to convolutional neural networks, these algorithms are making it easier than ever for designers to create stunning digital environments. While challenges remain, the potential of AI in 3D design is vast, and as technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the years to come.

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Innovative AI Solutions for Rendering 3D Designs on Websites Wed, 17 Jul 2024 14:10:00 +0000 The world of web design is in a constant state of evolution, driven by advancements in technology and the ever-growing demand for more engaging, interactive […]

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The world of web design is in a constant state of evolution, driven by advancements in technology and the ever-growing demand for more engaging, interactive user experiences. One of the most significant trends in recent years is the integration of 3D designs into websites, which has brought a new level of depth and realism to digital environments. However, rendering these 3D designs in real-time can be a complex and resource-intensive task. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) steps in, offering innovative solutions that streamline the rendering process, improve performance, and enhance the overall quality of 3D visuals on websites.

The Challenge of 3D Rendering on Websites

Rendering 3D designs on websites is a computationally demanding process. It involves converting 3D models, textures, and lighting into 2D images that can be displayed on a screen. This process requires significant processing power, especially when rendering in real-time as users interact with the content. Traditional rendering methods can lead to slow load times, poor performance, and a suboptimal user experience, particularly on devices with limited hardware capabilities, such as smartphones and tablets.

To address these challenges, AI is increasingly being employed to optimize and accelerate the rendering process, making it more efficient and accessible.

AI-Powered Rendering Techniques

AI has introduced several innovative techniques that are transforming how 3D designs are rendered on websites. Below are some of the most promising AI-powered solutions:

  1. Real-Time Ray Tracing with AI
    Ray tracing is a rendering technique that simulates the way light interacts with objects to create highly realistic images. While traditionally used in high-end graphics, such as in video games and movies, real-time ray tracing has been challenging to implement on websites due to its intensive computational requirements. However, AI has enabled more efficient ray tracing through the use of deep learning algorithms that predict how light should behave in a scene, drastically reducing the amount of processing power needed. This allows for real-time ray tracing on websites, delivering stunning visuals without compromising performance.
  2. AI-Driven Level of Detail (LOD) Optimization
    In 3D design, Level of Detail (LOD) refers to the complexity of a 3D model based on the viewer’s distance from it. Traditionally, designers manually create different LODs to optimize performance. AI, however, can automate this process by dynamically adjusting the LOD in real-time. Machine learning algorithms analyze the user’s interaction and device capabilities, scaling the complexity of the 3D models accordingly. This ensures that the website remains responsive and performs well, regardless of the device being used.
  3. Neural Rendering
    Neural rendering is an AI technique that uses neural networks to generate images from 3D data. Unlike traditional rendering methods that rely heavily on graphics processing units (GPUs), neural rendering can produce high-quality visuals with less computational power. This is achieved by training AI models on large datasets of 3D scenes, allowing the AI to “learn” how to render similar scenes quickly and efficiently. Neural rendering is particularly effective in situations where real-time interaction is required, such as in virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) applications embedded within websites.
  4. Super-Resolution and Image Upscaling
    AI-driven super-resolution techniques can enhance the resolution of rendered images without requiring more powerful hardware. By using deep learning models trained on high-resolution images, AI can upscale lower-resolution renders, filling in details that would otherwise be lost. This not only improves the visual quality of 3D designs on websites but also reduces the load on the server and client devices, as lower-resolution images can be used as the base.
  5. AI-Based Texture Mapping and Optimization
    Texturing is a critical component of 3D design, providing the surface details that make objects appear realistic. AI can optimize texture mapping by predicting how textures should be applied to 3D models in the most efficient way possible. This includes reducing the amount of texture data that needs to be processed and optimizing how textures are loaded and displayed. AI algorithms can also generate textures on-the-fly, creating dynamic and adaptive environments that respond to user interactions in real-time.

Benefits of AI in 3D Rendering for Websites

The integration of AI into the rendering process offers several key benefits that enhance both the performance and user experience of 3D designs on websites:

  1. Improved Load Times
    AI optimizes rendering processes, reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed and transmitted. This leads to faster load times, ensuring that users can interact with 3D content without delays, even on less powerful devices.
  2. Enhanced Visual Quality
    AI-driven techniques like neural rendering and super-resolution ensure that 3D designs maintain high visual fidelity, even under constraints such as limited bandwidth or lower-end hardware. This allows for the creation of visually stunning websites that captivate users.
  3. Scalability Across Devices
    With AI, 3D designs can be scaled to perform well across a wide range of devices, from high-end desktops to mobile phones. This scalability is crucial for reaching a broader audience and providing a consistent user experience.
  4. Resource Efficiency
    AI reduces the computational resources needed for rendering, which not only improves performance but also lowers the operational costs for web developers and businesses. This makes it feasible to incorporate advanced 3D designs into websites without the need for expensive hardware.
  5. Dynamic and Interactive Experiences
    AI enables more dynamic and interactive 3D experiences by adapting rendering processes in real-time based on user input and behavior. This creates a more immersive and engaging user experience, which can lead to higher user retention and satisfaction.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite the numerous advantages, there are challenges to consider when integrating AI for 3D rendering on websites. One of the primary concerns is the complexity of AI models, which require extensive training and fine-tuning. This can be resource-intensive and may require specialized expertise. Additionally, while AI can significantly reduce the processing load, the initial setup and deployment of AI-driven rendering systems can be costly.

Looking to the future, we can expect further advancements in AI algorithms that will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with 3D rendering on websites. As AI models become more sophisticated and accessible, we may see widespread adoption of real-time 3D content in everyday web experiences, from e-commerce and education to entertainment and social media.

AI is revolutionizing the way 3D designs are rendered on websites, offering innovative solutions that enhance performance, visual quality, and user engagement. By leveraging AI-powered techniques such as real-time ray tracing, neural rendering, and LOD optimization, web developers can create immersive, interactive 3D environments that are accessible across a wide range of devices. As AI technology continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly play an increasingly vital role in the future of web design, enabling the creation of more complex and compelling digital experiences.

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AI tools for UI/UX design Tue, 09 Jul 2024 14:14:26 +0000 Artificial intelligence has gained momentum so fast it’s scary. And scary, and aesthetically pleasing, and beneficial in terms of saving design effort and reducing costs. […]

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Artificial intelligence has gained momentum so fast it’s scary. And scary, and aesthetically pleasing, and beneficial in terms of saving design effort and reducing costs. It makes sense that you hear from everywhere: “Won’t AI take jobs away from designers?”. The question is debatable. But you have to admit, as long as we design for people, we will always need human designers.

Plus, AI technology offers some really exciting new opportunities to create better user experiences. In this study, let’s learn how to make artificial intelligence work for you – from automating repetitive tasks to creating impressive visuals.


A neural network from OpenAI that creates original images from a text description. To get slightly better results than usual, use Prompt Optimizer. The service helps you to write more precise prompts. It understands only English.


Website banners, blog articles, generating logos, characters, patterns, advertising creatives, employee images, product design – this is not a complete list of what Midjourney can do. To get the most practical benefit, use a special service for generating complex queries – Midjourney Prompt Tool.

Stable Diffusion

Allows you to generate an image based on text or input image as quickly as possible. It is considered one of the most “breakthrough” models in terms of speed and quality of generated images.


A platform for images, such a huge library of images created by artificial intelligence. You can find here millions of images using hints from DALL-E 2, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion; create images from text promts and edit already created images. Quite handy, because from good results you can just copy the prompt, then edit it to your liking and use it in the same Stable Diffusion, for example.

Playground AI

Among AI models, by which the image will be created, you can choose Playground. One of the easiest and most effective AI tools for creating graphics. You can generate images on the site, and share them in the Discord community.


Improves clarity of photos and scales them, reconstructs faces, removes red-eye effect, makes local and global correction of color, contrast and brightness, automates processes of improving large volumes of photos.


In our opinion, one of the most worthy AI tools from Microsoft for generating graphics and designs. There are templates that you can customize, for example, make in corporate colors. Especially good for creating website banners and ad creatives. Offers captions and hashtags for publishing generated images to social networks.

Bing Image Creator

Developed by Microsoft. Offers several image variations on a specific prompt. Supports Ukrainian language. Also a pretty decent analog of Midjourney and DALL-E 2.

Designs hand-drawn images. Just upload your sketch to the application and Uizard automatically adds your design. You can do the same with a screenshot of any website or app – the AI-assistant uses it as the main reference and will develop a mockup based on it. It also offers ready-made templates for mobile/desktop devices, tablets, web applications.

Create interactive prototypes, test different styles, share them with your team and generally automate your design processes in real time.

If you need to customize the background for your product cards, is the perfect choice. You simply drag and drop a product photo, use a text query to describe the environment, edit visual objects and that’s it – export your branded content. Suitable not only for product cards, but also for creating banners and ads on social networks.

A plugin for Figma that understands what you’re designing and makes suggestions that automatically augment the design using components from your design system.

Everything happens in real time. For example, when you start creating a form interface, automatically adds all the elements you need: input fields, buttons, and the like.

Helps you quickly create life-style photos of products with very high quality. You upload a photo to (not even professional ones), provide a description that will allow you to adapt the image to your brand, and it will put the product on a person.

As you can see, instead of creating design approaches by trial and error, artificial intelligence tools will allow you as a UI/UX designer to develop predictive models based on user data and automatically apply them to your projects.

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