The process of designer’s work will change a lot, and the general level of quality of design solutions should increase. AI will pull newcomers to an advanced medium level in terms of visualization quality, and in general it will raise the bar quite well in all parameters. The quality of ideas will become a key factor in good design. Designers will act as conductors of AI tools, similar to art directors, who will give the necessary commands and guide visualization in the desired direction. Fighting designer apathy and lack of inspiration will become much easier: neural networks are ready to generate tons of content that can be combined with each other in search of something new.

The computer will not replace the designer, but will become his co-author. The designer remains responsible for the final result, for its compliance with the goals and objectives of the project, for its aesthetic and functional value. The designer also remains responsible for communicating with clients and users, for understanding their needs and desires, for creating an emotional connection with them through design.

What’s next

Right now, AI helps the designer mostly with specific assets: text, graphics, general style, but the more upper-level parts of the product the specialist has to assemble himself. Over time, the designer will be able to give the computer larger and larger parts of his design process. Apps will be able to create holistic and complex design solutions on their own, taking into account various factors such as context, target audience, business goals, etc.

AI will be personalized to the tastes and views of a particular designer to create a recognizable style of a particular person. The designer will have his virtual partner who will know his preferences, strengths and weaknesses, way of thinking and creativity. The designer and AI will work in close synergy, complementing and inspiring each other.

Many deeply technical design disciplines, such as “building a design system” will be completely removed from the designer’s job. AI will be able to automatically build and maintain design systems, ensuring they are consistent, scalable and adaptable. The designer will be able to focus on the more creative and strategic aspects of design.

The interface of programs for designers will be dramatically simplified. Instead of complex and cluttered toolbars, we will communicate with AI through natural language or gestures. The designer will ask it questions, requests or commands, and it will respond or perform the desired actions. The designer will have more freedom and control over their creative process.

Taking the lead cannot be feared

To fear the promising possibilities of AI would be as foolish as underestimating them. Like any revolutionary technology, it can be frightening or seem temporary. But the reality is that there will be no turning back, neural networks have already proved their necessity and consistency, and there will soon be nowhere to hide from them.

Constant learning, learning new things and improving skills has always been the key to success for any designer. AI will only reinforce the need for openness to change and professional growth.

By embracing the challenge, designers will be able to turn AI into a powerful catalyst for creative development. With its help, the profession will reach previously unattainable heights of excellence and efficiency. The main thing to remember is that a true designer always keeps up with the times.